[Guide] Root Motorola with Magisk (UnLocked Bootloader)(Non-TWRP method)
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- [](https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-root-motorola-with-magisk-unlocked-bootloader-non-twrp-method.4222583/post-84346919)
- #1
Root Motorola Devices with Magisk
This method has been working with most Moto Devices that the Bootloader can be UnLocked.
If the Bootloader cannot be Unlocked this method will not work.
Please only use this as a reference. If you require more help please post in your device's forum.
Mention me with @sd\_shadow
Quick Steps
- Note: Unlocking will wipe Userdata
- Install Magisk manager app
- If Ramdisk is Yes continue to Download Firmware
If Ramdisk is anything else see
- New check ramdisk status -26 March 2021
Download Firmware Rescue and Smart Assistant(LMSA)(PC)
- If the download is newer, now is a good time to flash the update.
The newer boot.img may not work correctly with the older software on the device.
If you want to keep the firmware version that is on the device see Other Firmware Options - Other Firmware options
- If the download is newer, now is a good time to flash the update.
Find the boot.img or init\_boot.img in the LMSA Downloads Folder
- C:\ProgramData\RSA\Download\RomFiles
- or
- "ProgramData\LMSA\Download\RomFiles\"
- Copy boot.img or init\_boot.img to Moto Device
- Copy magisk\_patched.img to PC
- Flash magisk\_patched.img
- Reboot
- Open Magisk manager to verify you have the current version.
Hide Magisk
- If you use apps the won't work if rooted devices (Banking apps) Enable Hide Magisk
Safetynet fix (21 March 2022)
- Magisk Hide: Using banking Apps
- Magisk Recovery Mode
- Install Updates and Keep Root
- Root with Magisk Twrp method
- https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk/releases/
Last edited: Jul 11, 2024
Recognized Contributor / XDA Welcome Team
- [](https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-root-motorola-with-magisk-unlocked-bootloader-non-twrp-method.4222583/post-84346927)
- #3
Last edited: Feb 27, 2021
Recognized Contributor / XDA Welcome Team
- [](https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-root-motorola-with-magisk-unlocked-bootloader-non-twrp-method.4222583/post-84347105)
- #4
Flashing magisk\_patched.img
Change .img name to exact file name.
fastboot flash boot_a magisk_patched.img
fastboot flash boot_b magisk_patched.img
fastboot reboot
fastboot flash boot magisk_patched.img
fastboot reboot
Last edited: Feb 27, 2021
Recognized Contributor / XDA Welcome Team
- [](https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-root-motorola-with-magisk-unlocked-bootloader-non-twrp-method.4222583/post-84347111)
- #5
Magisk in recovery
If your device does not have ramdisk in boot images, Magisk has no choice but to be installed in the recovery partition. For these devices, you will have to reboot to recovery every time you want Magisk.
When Magisk is installed in your recovery, you CANNOT use custom recoveries to install/upgrade Magisk! The only way to install/upgrade Magisk is through the Magisk app. It will be aware of your device state and install to the correct partition and reboot into the correct mode.
Since Magisk now hijacks the recovery of the device, there is a mechanism to let you actually boot into recovery mode when needed: it is determined by how long you press the recovery key combo.
This does not replace stock recovery.
Last edited: Mar 26, 2021
Recognized Contributor / XDA Welcome Team
- [](https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-root-motorola-with-magisk-unlocked-bootloader-non-twrp-method.4222583/post-84428707)
- #6
Magisk Manager is dead.
Long live the Magisk app!
Ever since the first Magisk release, Magisk (the core components) and Magisk Manager (the companion app) are released separately and isn't necessarily always in sync. This leads to some confusion and a lot of complexity when downloading/installing Magisk through the app. Starting from v22.0, the Magisk app (renamed from Magisk Manager) includes everything it needs within the APK itself, making installation a 100% offline process.
Custom recovery lovers, no worries! The Magisk app APK itself is a custom recovery flashable zip, just like MAGIC™
. Check out the updated installation guide for more info.
Last edited: Jul 21, 2021
Recognized Contributor / XDA Welcome Team
- [](https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-root-motorola-with-magisk-unlocked-bootloader-non-twrp-method.4222583/post-84570833)
- #7
Last edited: Mar 26, 2021
Recognized Contributor / XDA Welcome Team
Recognized Contributor / XDA Welcome Team
- [](https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-root-motorola-with-magisk-unlocked-bootloader-non-twrp-method.4222583/post-85402857)
- #10
Wow, thanks so much for the comprehensive reply @sd\_shadow. Think I may take a look at the non-TWRP method.
Interesting that you install Magisk immediately after unlocking bootloader. I had been following these instructions: https://appuals.com/root-Motorola-moto-g5-g5-plus/ which doesn't install Magisk until after TWRP - but then you're not using TWRP!
In answer to @Wolfcity, yes I had tried reboot to TWRP, but get the following:
C:\adb>fastboot boot recovery.img
cannot load 'recovery.img': No such file or directory
I should've said, that's mostly why I figured it had failed.
I'm actually rooting to make use of Nethunter on the device. It's an old device, so not one I'll be using for any everyday apps or accounts. It'll be dedicated to Nethunter - for legit purposes only!
- [](https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-root-motorola-with-magisk-unlocked-bootloader-non-twrp-method.4222583/post-85534891)
- #11
Root Motorola Devices with Magisk
This method has been working with most Moto Devices that the Bootloader can be UnLocked.
If the Bootloader cannot be Unlocked this method will not work.Please only use this as a reference. If you require more help please post in your device's forum.
Mention me with @sd\_shadowQuick Steps
- Note: Unlocking will wipe Userdata
- Install Magisk manager app
- If Ramdisk is Yes continue to Download Firmware
If Ramdisk is anything else see
- New check ramdisk status -26 March 2021
Download Firmware Rescue and Smart Assistant(LMSA)(PC)
- If the download is newer, now is a good time to flash the update.
The newer boot.img may not work correctly with the older software on the device.
If you want to keep the firmware version that is on the device see Other Firmware Options- Other Firmware options
Find the boot.img in the LMSA Downloads Folder
- "ProgramData\LMSA\Download\RomFiles\"
- Copy boot.img to Moto Device
- Copy magisk\_patched.img to PC
- Flash magisk\_patched.img
- Reboot
- Open Magisk manager to verify you have the current version.
Hide Magisk
- If you use apps the won't work if rooted devices (Banking apps) Enable Hide Magisk
Question, when I did all of this through magisk everything went swell but my moto Touchscreen stopped working but booted just fine not sure if it was a one time fluke or not gonna try again any suggestions? Should I also Flash Recovery?
Recognized Contributor / XDA Welcome Team
- [](https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-root-motorola-with-magisk-unlocked-bootloader-non-twrp-method.4222583/post-85536471)
- #12
Question, when I did all of this through magisk everything went swell but my moto Touchscreen stopped working but booted just fine not sure if it was a one time fluke or not gonna try again any suggestions? Should I also Flash Recovery?
If the touchscreen stopped working you likely used the wrong boot.img
You don't need a custom recovery just for root.
- [](https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-root-motorola-with-magisk-unlocked-bootloader-non-twrp-method.4222583/post-85537671)
- #13
Sweet thanks I'll look again at what I got
Recognized Contributor / XDA Welcome Team
- [](https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-root-motorola-with-magisk-unlocked-bootloader-non-twrp-method.4222583/post-85538163)
- #15
Ok I see Where I messd up now looks like I used wrong channel
- [](https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-root-motorola-with-magisk-unlocked-bootloader-non-twrp-method.4222583/post-85589241)
- #16
Flashing magisk\_patched.img
Change .img name to exact file name.
fastboot flash boot_a magisk_patched.img fastboot flash boot_b magisk_patched.img fastboot reboot
fastboot flash boot magisk_patched.img fastboot reboot
I can't get my pc to see the phone when the phone is in fastboot mode
Recognized Contributor / XDA Welcome Team
- [](https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-root-motorola-with-magisk-unlocked-bootloader-non-twrp-method.4222583/post-85589287)
- #17
I can't get my pc to see the phone when the phone is in fastboot mode
See device manager, how is it listed?
- [](https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-root-motorola-with-magisk-unlocked-bootloader-non-twrp-method.4222583/post-85590601)
- #18
@sd\_shadow My devices is edge xt2063-2 (USA,5G brand N71),It’s can't connect to chinatelecom(5G band N78)
But xt2603-3(Europe)ROM include N78 band
Can I flash XT2063-3 EU ROM on mydevices just by fastboot mode?
Or Just need modify some .img files
Recognized Contributor / XDA Welcome Team
- [](https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-root-motorola-with-magisk-unlocked-bootloader-non-twrp-method.4222583/post-85591379)
- #19
@sd\_shadow My devices is edge xt2063-2 (USA,5G brand N71),It’s can't connect to chinatelecom(5G band N78)
But xt2603-3(Europe)ROM include N78 band
Can I flash XT2063-3 EU ROM on mydevices just by fastboot mode?
Or Just need modify some .img files
If the bootloader is unlocked, no problem.
If the bootloader is still locked, just flash the radio part.
- Flashing the Radio Firmware
- [](https://xdaforums.com/t/guide-root-motorola-with-magisk-unlocked-bootloader-non-twrp-method.4222583/post-85592503)
- #20
I can't get my pc to see the phone when the phone is in fastboot modemak
Also Make sure To Update Drivers